a loving church
We are a church committed to loving others as we love ourselves. We love the lost and the found, the broken and the whole, the poor and the rich, the hopeless and the hope-filled. As our Savior Jesus was filled with care and compassion for the masses, we desire to be the same. We aspire to be the most loving church ever experienced by those who walk through our doors.
a praying church
We are a church that prays. We believe prayer changes things and that prayer is the primary means by which God intervenes in the affairs of people. We trust God to fulfill His promises and we reject any doubt that would attempt to convince us He will not answer. We believe God for the impossible. We are confident He is able to do all things and always answers.
a singing church
We are a church of worshippers. We places value on singing, praising, shouting, dancing, and giving Jesus glory. He is worthy of all we have to give. Just as King David spared no expense as he worshipped before the Lord at the return of the ark of the covenant, we will hold back nothing in showing our radical and extravagant love for the One who has redeemed us from death.
a serving church
We are a church that is passionate about serving our community and being involved in marketplace ministry. The ministry of Jesus was not contained to the temple, neither will our ministry be contained to the four walls of this building. We are mobilizing believers to take the gospel to every corner of our community - their homes, neighborhoods, schools, and places of work.
a giving church
We are a church of generous people. We are givers. Scripture says, “God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son.” We believe we are most like God when we give. We give to steward God’s house and care for God’s people. We give to lift up our community. We give to those who can offer us nothing in return. Our desire is to always be a people of great generosity.
We are more than a gathering of people. We are a family. We walk together in unity and harmony. The Body of Christ can only achieve the fullness of its purpose when we become one. As Jesus prayed for his disciples that they would be one, so we pray that this body of believers continue to become one. We are not simply members of a church, we are members of a family.